Join Us
Somos Watsonville is a nonprofit, inclusive, bilingual gathering space, where young people and their families can explore their identities, connect with others, receive support and skills, and engage in fellowship and fun. We hope to establish a sanctuary in the city where young people feel empowered to explore and experience emotional, psychological, and spiritual wholeness.
We realize this purpose through the following programs
Somos Café
A non-profit coffee shop/third space where young people can gather, build meaningful relationships, and participate in community-led recreational and cultural events and activities. We ask for a suggested donation for our variety of coffee, tea, and espresso beverages with the idea that if you have the means, you will pay it forward so that those who are unable to pay will be able to enjoy free drinks.
Study Space
A quiet space with Wifi and resources where students can do their homework, receive tutoring and educational support, learn about college and career pathways, and feel empowered to reach their goals.
Mentorship & Community Support
Our friends and neighbors are our first line of defense from the trials and tribulations life throws our way. Through the simple act of living life alongside one another, we hope to provide the support our community members and their families need to feel whole – spiritually and materially. We are guided by the idea that we have to be before we can do, build, or complete anything. In this space we are free to be who we are, share ourselves, our cultures, and our stories, and become the people we will be next. That’s why we’re called “Somos” – Spanish for “We are.”

Somos Watsonville is a non-profit organization supported by the Presbytery of San Jose and led by Rev. Julianne Porras-Center. We are in the process of obtaining our 501(c)(3) status from the Internal Revenue Service. IRS Pub 557 indicates that the effective date of our exemption will be retroactive to our date of incorporation which is January 4, 2024. Donations may be tax exempt.
Here we believe that we are all loved and sacred, whoever we are and whatever we believe. Here we believe that we are made in the image of God. Here we believe that we are the body of Christ. Imagine what we can do together with faith like that!